My hair just goes past my shoulders, and i always tie it up (because it gets in my face a lot of the time). But i've been thinking of putting in down from now on for school, the problem is that the hair tie mark shows and even if i wash it it's there and its reaaaally annoying. I dunno what to do to make it go normal and straight! I also have quite thick hair and if i straighten it with a straightening iron, it just makes it go poofy.
Please help! What are some good products i can use? And do you think that cutting it a bit would help?
Putting my hair down..?
I have the same problem. What you have to do is be kind to your hair from now on. Keep it down, or gently braid it (dry, unless you want curls) at night. DO NOT straighten or cut it! The mark goes away after a bi. You just have to be patient. I would suggest Vo5 detangle and shine leave-in conditioner- it looks good, stays in and smells yummy!
Putting my hair down..?
dont wear ur hair up, or dont use teh thick ties, use thins ones and dont tie them so tight. or use scrunchies
Putting my hair down..?
just wash it real well, and use a iron that would help the best. You could cemiclly straighten it but it is a lot of money.
Putting my hair down..?
Keep washing your hair over and over again.
And wow, you must wear your hair up all the time if it gets
like that.
Putting my hair down..?
just wash and sleep with it out and dont wear it up for a while so the mark will go away. You might only have to sleep with your hair out for it to go away.
Putting my hair down..?
Blow it dry with a really large brush. Maybe a haircut might also help. You only have to get very little cut off. It will just perk it up %26amp; make it come alive. You can use some mousse when you bolwdry it or some gel. But don't use very much of it,because too much pruduct will weigh it down . When you get done,use a little finishing spray,to hold in in place,so it's not on you way. When you go in for the cut.make sure to watch the stylist carefully,%26amp; have her give you instructions. good luck
Putting my hair down..?
oh my god i have the exact same hair! [exepct for the hair tie mark thing lol] to that i think you should just wash your hair more and stuff... if you want to put it down make it straight. but yeah it will go poofy. the same thing happened with me but i thinned it out and now my hair is amazing!! thinning is nott bad dont even worry about it.. but to the best part :]] the product i use that is AMAZING and all my friends use it [no matter what hair] and its called after party by bed head it absolutly amazing and i have really poofy hair and it really works!!
i hope this helps
because it really worked for me and i hope it works for you!
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