I have dark brown hair. Its not black but its dark. Ive been constantly dying my hair with the semi-permamnet hair colour but none of them show. All I get its a vibrant shine in the sun. But without sun [or light] my hair looks normal. What hair colouring will show up in my hair without me getting it done with permanent colour out of the box and and at the salon.
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
if theres no ammonia in the dye (which there isnt in semi permanent) its not gona show unless ur hair is very light in color...so if u want it to show ur gona have to go wih regular dyes
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
Me and you are going through the same problem...lol but i can honestly tell you that semi-permanent isnt going to work at all...it is semi permanent for a reason, it has no ammonia so it wont grab on easily...i suggest you go with L'Oreal:Feria's "High Lift Browns"
this hair dye is exclusively for Dark hair only. I finally was able to lighten my hair with this dye, but then again, it is permanent.
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
i have no clue girl.. i dyed my hair 4 times this year(2006). all 4 different colors.. my natuarl hair color is brown.. i dyed it brownish red, light brown, black, and now brownish red with gold tint.. i used all permanent and went to the salon 2 times of the 4 times i dyed it. all the wash out ones made my hair either orange or purple...
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
Well, it all depends on what your color your hair dye is. Your avatar is blonde, so I'm guessing you're wanting to dye your hair blonde. Big news: it's not going to work, and even if it did, you don't want it. It's hard for your hair to go from dark to light that quickly (especially for semi-permanent) and could very well fry your hair. If you really want to be blonde then you should go with permanent hair color and lower your hair color down in stages. It'll take you a while, but that's the healthiest way. Don't want it to be permanent? Good. Don't dye it. My sisters started dyeing my hair blonde when I was ten and I've been dyeing it ever sense. I wish I didn't. However, since you don't want permanent I'm just going to tell you that a red might show up. An auburn type red. But with semi-permanent I'm not going to make any guarantees. Try different brand name hair colors. A word of advice: Don't go for Loreal color. It's crappy. Nice and Easy and Herbal Essences are better. I've had problems colouring my hair with Loreal. It's simply crappy.
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
what do you mean by "none of them show"? and what do you mean by semi-permanent? And, what is it you want to achieve? Do you want to go lighter or darker? what does "show up" mean?
To me as a former beautician semi-perminent means you're not adding bleach when you put a color on your hair. To lighten hair you would have to add some bleach (and that would make it a permanent hair color.
So any "coloring" you use without the bleach would only be giving you shine, or a tinge of something. Like if you were using red food coloring then you would get a bit of red when the sun shines on it, if you used tea then you'd get a browner dull color.
If you're trying to highlight, lighten or frost your hair you'd need to add bleach and it would be permanent.
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
HENNA, will show in any hair color, even dark
but you can not put any other chemical over it
My semi-permanent colour wont show.?
First of all what color are you trying to get?
If you're trying to go to a lighter color,semi permanent color is only going to lift but a few shades just like permanent color. So what I'm saying is that if your hair is really dark the lightest color that you'll be able to get is most likely going to be a brassy or an orange color. If you trying to get it to a medium brown your going to have to either go with a ash/golden permanent color like a level 7 or 8. And if that doesn't work, than I would definitely advise you to go in and have it professionally done. If you're worried about damaging you're hair, semi permanent hair color is no better than permanent hair color if it's used over and over again:) It's better to just go have it done professionally first than they can tell you what would be the best way to lighten you hair.
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